Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ten Commandments of Working for Others

Let me share you something I learned from a Personality Development Course...

We all do work. We work for ourselves, for our family, for our friends and for anybody. All things have a set of rules we have to follow. In these rules, it is as if the work we do for others are talking to us personally. Here are some simple rules we can apply in our work...

Ten Commandments of Working for Others

1. Do not lie. It wastes mt time and yours. I am sure to catch you in the end and that is the wrong end

2. Watch your work not the clock.

3. Give me more than I expect and I will give you more than you expect. I can afford to increase your pay only if you increase my profit.

4. You owe so much to yourself that you cannot afford to owe to anybody else.

5. Dishonesty is never an accident

6. Mind your own business and in time you will have your own business to mind.

7. Do not do anything to hurt your self-respect. An employee who is willing to steal for me is willing to steal from me.

8. It is none of my business what you do at night, but if it will affect what you do the next day and do only half as much as I demand, you will last half as long as you hone.

9. Do not tell me what I like to hear. Tell me instead what I need to hear.

10. Do not kick if I kick. If you are worth correcting, you are worth keeping.

Keep your heads up and have a happy working day!

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